#326 (left) #423 (right) |
These two eyeshadows are very similar in shade, the difference between them is that one is matte, the other one is pearl and that's why it seems lighter. Both of them are dark chocolate brown but not dark enough to verge on black.
#326 (left) #423 (right) |
Formulawise the matte one is powdery and very very soft which makes it easy to pick on the brush and blend. Very pigmented.
# is soft and creamy, applies smoothly like butter.
#326 (left) #423 (right) |
Both are very pretty eyeshadows, I love this shade of brown but unfortunately I don't feel confident wearing them. I've been trying to wear brown make-up for ages but it doesn't seem to work for me.
Below you can see a look created using the Inglot pearl eyeshadow along the lashline over MAC Satin Taupe.
Disclaimer: I bought the product myself for my personal use and I am not affiliated with any company. I am not paid to do this review and everything I said here is my genuine opinion.
Woow what beautiful colours!!